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                CN EN

                A Global Supplier of Label and Graphics Films

                Film manufacture

                We have a highly modified Bruckner 5 layer 8.2m BOPP line which concentrates on white cavitated base films, two 3 layer PET lines which concentrate on transparent, matt and white films for in-line coating and two custom Cast Calendered PP lines.



                The number of coaters increases in line with HSF growth . Currently we have eight top coaters applying a range of advanced water based acrylic and inorganic matrix coatings using a variety of application technologies. With a new R & D center and a highly flexible development coater, our range of standard and customized coated products continues to grow.


                Focus on the Label and Graphics markets

                With dedicated equipment, knowhow and innovation in base films and coating technology, HSF has become an internationally renowned supplier of materials for the Labels and Graphics markets.

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